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Acknowlegement: Every attempt will be made to locate your animal for Deer Recovery, and Lost Pets. By acknowledging this form, you understand that there is no guarantee of success. G2 Drone Services assumes no legal responsibility after services are provided. Also, by acknowledgement of this form, you agree to the footage captured to be recorded and possibly used on social media platforms. Exact locations will not be shared, and facial recognition can be deleted or blurred at your request.

Release of Liability

I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions before using the services of G2 Drone Services.

1 - I HAVE PERMISSION TO BE ON PROPERTY: I have legal permission from the property owner to be on this land and grant permission to the Thermal Drone Pilot to be here for the duration of the recovery.

2 - I SHOT A DEER: I affirm that I have shot a deer and believe it to be dead or mortally wounded. I understand the service being provided is locating a deer or lost pet only and not aiding in hunting any living deer.

3 - I WILL REFRAIN FROM HUNTING: If the deer is found to be alive, I agree not to hunt or pursue any deer on the property until the following day.  In the event of a deer being seriously wounded, but not dead.  I will contact my local game warden to plan next steps.

4 -  LIABILITY RELEASE: I release the Thermal Drone Pilot. It's employees, agents, representatives, and affiliates from any claims or liabilities that may arise from the service.


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